"Quote Of The Week"

"A moment in worship can lead to a lifetime of service"

-Greg Laurie


Currently Praying...

(in any way possible tell me your prayer requests and I'll post it everyweek just like so...)

Justin Chang -

Mindy Kim -

Sarah Kim -

Bryan Kwon -

Paul Lee -

Saemyi Moon -

David Shin - Financial Crisis! w/o getting into too much detail, I lost a LARGE amount of money due to unforseen & unfortunate circumstances. Pray for me that I can let go, leave it up to God to fill my needs and be satisfied by Him and turly confess 'All I Need is You Lord'.

Jackie Sohn - safe trip home, good rest, studying for MCAT & Spring quarter, moving in to new place.... most importantly, I will grow more and more in Christ ^^

Jin Hee Yoon -

Easter! 2008-3-23 Open Worship Song List

The Worship...

---praise & worship---
HAPPY DAY (C) -Tim Hughes
HOSANNA (E) -Brook Fraser
FIRE FALL DOWN (E, F, or F#) -Hillsong United
THE WONDERFUL CROSS (D or E) -Chris Tomlin
SALVATION IS HERE (B) -Hillsong United
YOU SAW ME (C) -Hillsong

The Story...

This past Sunday was Palm Sunday. This week is Passion Week. This Friday is Good Friday. This Sunday is Easter Sunday. If you don't know the significance of why we remember and celebrate this season as followers of Jesus... hmm... uh-oh... yea... go find out.

(http://www.crivoice.org/cyholyweek.html <--I found this through google as a good source of information, and you can also read Matthew ch. 26~28, Mark ch 14~16, Luke ch. 22~24, and John ch. 18~21, for the scriptural understanding.)

We all celebrate Christmas as our biggest holiday. This is like the chicken and egg question, but would Christmas be meaningful if Easter never happened? In other words, what good is Jesus' birth if he did not take up the cross for our sins, died, and rose again to signify God's power over sin and death?

I believe Easter should be celebrated just as much as Christmas. That is why I propose that you all buy me an Easter gift. (Puhaha j/k!) But in all seriousness, I hope that we can reflect on God's love for us throughout this week by remembering what our Savior went through to reach out to us. And come this Sunday to celebrate! The wisdom, power, and glory of our God who has conquered death and sin and has given us the promise of eternal life!

The OCpraise NEWS!

1.) We missed you! Sarah and Justin. Hope to see you this Saturday @12PM.
2.) I need some exposure to sunlight. Can we please go to the beach after practice this Saturday?
3.) But Jackie will you be here?? If not, Paul be ready on the drums and Justin to sing k?
4.) $$$ (we really need to pay back Justin and fix our amps...)
5.) New ShoutBox on the sidebar of this page! Use it to mark your presence at this site!
6.) Prayer Requests... Please leave a comment on every week's post and I'll post it the following week so we can all pray for eachother.

Finally, I don't know if you guys are acutally reading/using this site and preparing for practice before you come in, but at least for me this has helped alot! I'm thinking when we all get on the same page with this new system(?) we'll be able to cut down our practice time drastically. BUT FOR THE ONE LAST TIME: LET'S BE PUNCTUAL!

Because He lives...


2008-3-16 Open Worship Song List (UPDATED)

(still working on it...)

-----UPDATED 3/13/08 @1:00AM-----

First of all... Here's the song list: (This Week's Theme: Christ's Beauty)
‘Till I See You –Hillsong London (E)
Awesome is the Lord Most High –Chris Tomlin (G)
Beautiful One –Tim Hughes (D)
Son of God –Starfield (G#)
More Than Life –Hillsong United (G)

Second of all... REMINDER:
This Week's practice is Sat. 3/15 @12PM (noon)

Third of all... ANNOUNCEMENT:
After practice... (for those of us who can)... Jin Hee suggested we go to the beach! (weather permitting)... so... let's go!!!

Finally... I had a dream about us the other night:

“31 My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With their mouths they express devotion, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain. 32 Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice.” (Ezekiel 33:31-32)

I had a dream about us the other night, and it goes something like this…

We were at practice. Everybody was there and by the end I felt like we had a solid practice, covered all the parts we needed to cover, everything went very well, and I felt comfortable with our whole set for Sunday. (In reality, I never feel comfortable coming out of practice.)

Next thing I know, we’re leading worship on Sunday, and an unbelievable number of people are at our church and filled the seats and the whole sanctuary. But as we’re leading worship, it’s nothing like how we practiced and we’re soon adlibbing and improvising the whole worship! So obviously I’m growing frustrated and having a hard time focusing on worship. Then when I took a look out at everyone worshipping they are all doing their own things and not worshipping at all! At this point I guess Justin saw that I was struggling and he took over singing for me and in the MIDDLE OF THE SONG I came down from the stage and stormed out of church out of frustration.

Hmmm… I don’t remember if I shared with you guys before about a similar dream I had couple months back. In that dream though, I stormed out of church went into another room and began praying (more like crying out to God). This time however, all I can remember from the dream is just roaming around outside expressing my frustration.

To tell you the truth I don’t know how to interpret this dream, and maybe it’s not meant to be interpreted. Most likely it stems from my personal issues dealing with worship and my inner fears and frustrations of things not going the way I planned to be. Perhaps this dream really doesn’t mean anything and maybe it’s not that important.

But whether the issue is real or perceived, personal or corporate, I know that the issue is there. The issue is that God exists to be worshipped and we exist to worship God. And no matter how hard we try to run from that fact, or chase it to perfectly understand it, our primal desire and need to worship is never satisfied, nor God’s worth ever fully glorified through our worship.

So as I have told you guys before, what I actually experience through our worship is totally the opposite of what I dreamt the other day. Our practice could be sub par and our preparation inadequate, but when I let go and just begin to worship, His grace usually shines through, along with His glory. However, that’s not to say I’m ever satisfied. I always feel like we can be better. No, that’s not right. I always feel like God could be BIGGER.

I don’t know about you guys but I really enjoyed last week’s worship. Even as we were leading I thought to myself, ‘Wow, God is blessing us again and we’re doing good’. But that positive thought soon turned out to be a stumbling block merely because I couldn’t let go of that thought. I kept thinking ‘we’re doing good, we’re doing good’, that afterwards I felt like ‘Ok, we did good, but how did God do?’. God can definitely be BIGGER through our worship, in our church, in our personal lives, EVERYWHERE.
And the one way we'll experience a BIGGER GOD is when we see real and practical changes and growths in our lives and in our church. Changes that we thought were impossible, and growths that we thought were too hard. Then we know God is at work and that we're in the middle of God's revival, God's great work to make us like-Christ to share in His Kingdom.

Praying that Ezekiel 33:31-32 never speaks the truths of us...

Unquenchable Worshipper,


2008-03-09 Open Worship Song List (UPDATED)

(still working on it...)

---UPDATED 3/6/2008 @6:00PM---

WoW... It took me awhile this week to come up with our song list for whatever the reason but here it is:

HOSANNA (E) -Brook Fraser
OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART (E) -Paul Baloche/Sonicflood
UNASHAMED (E) -Starfield
AMAZED (E) -Lincoln Brewster

Again... perhaps not in that particular order...

This week's worship theme: God... isn't HE AMAZING?

1. Sarah (Freshmen/Biola) wants to join our team as a singer! I'm thinking maybe we initiate her in with the song Hosanna and see if she can pull off a Brook Fraser... keke ;)
2. Practice this Saturday @3PM same time... PLEASE PLEASE BE ON TIME!
3. I want our money! $30 for praise team and $8 for food last week for Justin. I didn't forget bro. ;)

Music sheets available upon request for those who want to practice before hand and all the reference videos are up on the NOW PLAYING section of this page!

See You SAT!

Visitors Since March 1st, 2008